Privacy Policy

This online Privacy Policy Terms apply only to information collected online through our website and our Mobile application, referred to herein provision No. 1- and not to information collected offline.
And by using our Website and mobile APP You are deemed to consent to our Privacy Policy Terms as stated herein and without any modifications.

1-Information Collected by the Service

1.1 Cloud Lab ("Us", "We", or "Our") operates the online site known as and the mobile application known as Cloud Lab (the "Site"). These Privacy Policy terms ("the Terms") inform You ("User") of Our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information about You, collected during Your access or Use of the service ("Service") provided by and through the Platform. When You access the Site, visit or use the Service, we receive and collect, with your knowledge and consent, personal information about You "Personally-Identifying Information" such as your name, age, gender, email address, and current location, and phone number, postal address, etc. And sometimes when You enter a contest, make a purchase, subscribe to a publication, or register for any other service, you may be required to provide payment details of yours, such as credit or charge card numbers. All this information is referred to herein as your "Registration Information".
We use your Registration Information only for providing the Service and improving the Site. By using the Site, you agree to the collection and use of said Registration Information subject to these Terms.
1.2 Information about Your online conduct, computer, mobile or other online devices (such as make, model, specifications) Your IP address, pages visited, contents viewed, the sites, applications, and/or services You arrived from, etc.. may be collected by our servers automatically.
1.3 If You choose to access or visit and/or use any third party social networking service that is integrated with the Service, we may receive Personally Identifying Information and other information about You, your computer, mobile or other device that you make available to those services. For instance, some social networking services will allow You to push Contents from our Service to your contacts or to pull information about your contacts to enable You to connect with them through Our Service. Please note that You are free to use a social networking service in connection with our Service.

1.4 We collect your current location to present the list of the laboratories and home care service providers that are closest to you and improve the provided service.